Washing machine/fridge repair in bhaktapur nepal

WASHING MACHINE REPAIR IN BHAKTPUR NEPAL,NEAR ME call 9803444025 .repair all brands washing machine with experience technicians.we have also home service .our repair services : 1.refrigerator 2.washing machine 3.airconditioner repair 4.micro oven repair . we have also available universal pcb bord for top/front loaded washing machine.We offer 30% discount in home service charge. Our home service Kathmandu ,Bhaktapur, lalitpur,near me,nepal Why Is My Washing Machine Not Spinning It’s not uncommon for washing machines to stop spinning. This can happen because of a number of issues with your machine, most of which Repair Aid can easily fix and have your machine up and running again in no time. Drain pump blockage One of the most common reasons why your washing machine has stopped spinning is when it can’t drain properly due to a blocked drain pump. This can happen when something get...