Washing machine repair in kathamandu, lalitpur &bhaktapur nepal
9803444025 we repair all brands of washing machine in kathamandu like÷ kalanki, balkhu, teku, naikap, tinthana, dhungeadda, satungle, gurjudhara, sitapaila, suijetar,chhauni, shyambhu, thulo barang, sanobharang, dhungedhara, banasthali, balaju, nayabazar, bargetar, gangabu, basundhara, samakhushi, sukhedhara, nilopul, aakashedhara, kapan, boudhadhha chabahil, chakrapath, balwatar,maharajgunj, panipokhari, lazimpat,ranipokhari, assan, thamel,kamaladi , putalisadak, Dillibazar, kamalpokhari, naxal, maitighar, maitidevi, nilopul, ratopul, kalopul, bhatkekopul, gausala, old baneshor, new baneshor, mid baneshor etc & near me with home service in reasonable price.. what to check when you get the LE error code: Be sure the door is closed. Be sure the door seal is clean and free of debris. Be sure the water hose connections are tight. Be sure the O-rings on the water hoses are installed properly and not torn. Be sure the end of the drain hose is situated no more than 6 inches into the...